Wednesday, 17 February 2016

A Thai field season in 90 seconds (+Video)

Kruawun Jankaew (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand), Evelien Boes (Ghent University, Belgium) and I have been exploring lakes and lowlands along the coast of Thailand for the last couple of weeks. Following on from my last post on our first couple of days, we've condensed the rest of the field season into less than 90 seconds of video...

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

First days of Thailand fieldwork (+Video)

Evelien Boes, Kruawun Jankaew and I are currently in Thailand looking for sedimentary evidence of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.  Our main focus is on coastal lakes and we've spent the last two days exploring various potential sites around Thap Lamu, Khao Lak, Bang Sak and Kho Khao.

Here's a quick glimpse of our travels and travails so far, condensed into 36 seconds...